Thursday, March 4, 2010

Knowing Him

There is a question that many of us ask ourselves and that is, how do I reach the position in which God is calling me.

Over the last few weeks God has been dealing with me about reaching certain positions in Him.

The scripture says MANY are called but FEW are chosen. Not because we are don’t have what it takes but that we don’t allow God to take us through the process of forming.

Philippians 3:10 says That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death”

 This scripture has really been stuck in my mind over the past week and I have been pondering the question. “To know him” have I really taken the time? Do we really take the time to know him? Or do we allow ourselves to focus so much on “stuff” that we loose sight of really knowing him? 
There are times we get so caught up in arriving, that we forget the process. In order to get anywhere, there must always be a process. 

I don’t think that any single person can explain how they arrived at the position that they are in their walk with God except; they have taken the time to know Jesus. And in order for US to step into the position and realm in which He is calling, then we MUST first know Him. 
Bro Tenny once said "Keep your knees down, and your head up" 
I want to know Him and I must do whatever it takes to know Him.


  1. Awesome reminder to us all.

    I want to know Him.

  2. You know, some times you just stumble across the very word you need to guide you. Thanks Bro for your thoughts

  3. Hey Brother, you know there are times which a simple word can step you on your path. Thanks for your thoughts Nathan !
