Sunday, April 11, 2010

It's All In The Vision!

Praise Be To God For All He Has Done!

What a day we have had in Geneva today! I had prepared my message for the last two day, to preach the Vision that God had given, of Evangelizing, Developing, Training, and Planting Churches.

When I arrived at church we began to pray and the power of God feel upon the house and such a sweet spirit of intercession fell upon the church. The Lord spoke a word that whatever the church would ask, He would do it right then!

As we began worship service there was such a great spirit of unity and joy. During the worship Service the Holy Ghost began to heal the wounds of the people. As the service transitioned into preaching I began convening the vision that God had for Geneva.

After the message we began to worship the Lord for everything He had began to do and all that He was going to do within the church. As we began to wrap things up, I felt it would be a shame if I didn’t ask if there were any that needed prayer.

As one then two came forward we began to pray for them and after we prayed for them I asked one final time. We had a first time guest that was there and she came forward and conveyed that she was in need of God doing a work in her home situation.

As the Holy Ghost began to speak  into her life, she began to tear up and began to weep under the power of the Holy Ghost. We began to pray for her the Holy Ghost hit her and she began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance!

To God be the Glory! With the goal of 25 being filled with the Holy Ghost by December 31st we now have had two filled with the Holy Ghost in a matter of two services! God is for us and we are going to reach the nation of Switzerland!!!

Thanks be to God for resurrecting this great church!

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